Silver, secretly more than just sparkles…
I love a random fact and I am sure you will like this! I have been using colloidal silver products for my family for a while now (that’s not the fact in case you were wondering, so more on that later). Actually I recently learned that in ancient times people would store their water in silver vessels and the American settlers would put a silver dollar in their milk containers. But why?
Well until around 70 years ago, colloidal silver was the mainstay of antibiotic treatment. It was, that is, until cheaper antibiotic drugs began to be produced. In the late 70s, the use of silver in the medical profession had a resurgence when a research unit stumbled upon silver while searching for an effective treatment for burns victims. They found that silver was not only incredibly effective as a germ fighter, but could be used over large areas of the body and is non-toxic and non-stinging – even to the eyes. It was discovered that bacteria don’t develop a resistance to it as they do to modern antibiotics.
So here’s the science bit. Silver disables the enzyme that all viruses, fungi and one-celled bacteria use to metabolize oxygen. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which also destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life.
So what do I use it for.? Well there are a few products which I turn to and keep in my first aid cupboard which have become a staple for me. I have a gel which I use to clean wounds, grazes etc, and I have a bottle of colloidal silver which I place in water which you can use for gargling if you have a sore throat or to help clear a germ through your system such as a tummy bug. The latter is ideal especially with children as it is a clear and doesn’t taste of anything. So if I know there is some sickness lurgy doing the rounds I may give them some as a preventative measure. You can also use the liquid as you would something like dettol, to clean surfaces and it also comes in a handy spray. Here are some of the products which can be bought via the KinSo Store.