A Winning Combination…KinSo Health Proudly Supports Dursley U9 Football Team
I am a proud Mum of two boys aged 9 and 5 and my eldest son plays in the Dursley Town Under 9s Team. It has been a complete pleasure for me personally to sponsor the U9s kit for this great team who have gone from strength to strength this season and to give back something to my community. Seeing their faces light up when we presented their kit to them was really rewarding.
When asked to sponsor the kit it felt completely the right thing to do. My company KinSo Health is all about helping support families, individuals, children and sports men and women with healthcare - it was a perfect match. KinSo Health is a kinesiology clinic and I know many people may never have heard about kinesiology. Through working with Dursley Town Football Club I am hoping that I can help spread awareness and bring this powerful and unique treatment to people who will really feel the benefits that kinesiology can bring to their wellness.
Kinesiology….A Game Changer in Sports Fitness
Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a unique treatment using muscle testing procedures to read the feedback systems from our bodies. It is combined of a range of wonderful techniques such as lymphatic massage, acupressure, energy and emotional work to reveal where health issues may stem from, where imbalances and energy drains may occur and what particular stresses are affecting your body and your mental health. It’s also possible to draw a direct link between what a person is emotionally thinking and maybe struggling with to how those thoughts are manifesting themselves in terms of physical symptoms.
It’s the range of tools applied that makes kinesiology different to any other treatment and best of all it is suitable for all the family of any age.
Some of the symptoms clients come to see me with include; tiredness, low energy, sleep issues, digestive disorders including IBS symptoms, food intolerance, headaches, joint pain, acid reflux, structural issues (tight hamstrings, etc) to name but a few. I am seeing more and more people with food intolerance, post covid anxieties as well as helping with anxieties or sleep issues experienced by children – all of which I have had fantastic feedback from parents and children alike.
Because kinesiology is a holistic treatment, it goes deeper into supporting the body which makes it ideal for sports training. I work with individuals not only on their physical symptoms but also on maintaining and assisting in their improvement programmes looking at optimum performance. Did you know that even top professionals like Novak Djokovic incorporates kinesiology as part of his Programme?
My overall aim is to work with sportsmen and women through regular treatments as a preventative measure, supporting them to keep their bodies in balance and consequently aiding to reduce the occurrence and severity of any injuries that can occur. I like to use the car as an analogy. We always try and ensure our car has the right fuel, sufficient oil and water and all systems are working in tune with each other, otherwise the car may just limp along, not work at its best or at worst break-down! How often do we as individuals seek help for physical symptoms after they have occurred, such as for ligament injuries, tight hamstrings etc? Sounds familiar?! By having regular kinesiology sessions, or as I like to call them, if again using the car analogy, ‘MOTs’, we can help ourselves to stay balanced to prevent symptoms or injuries occurring in the first place.
My approach considers physically and energetically balancing the body, assisting the lymph drainage system and identifying any nutritional support that may be required, whether that’s in to the system or what may need to come out. Even more powerful, I work with clients to look at past experiences and mental issues that may be holding back their performance which may simply need unlocking to help them move forward and make that step change.
Don’t just take my word for it, feel the difference kinesiology can make as part of your training programme or just to feel a better version of you.
If you’d like to discuss any symptoms that you or a family member may have to see how kinesiology may help, please contact me at amandashipton@kinsohealth.co.uk or on 07711 979305.