A Kinesiology Clinic in the Heart of the Cotswolds.
Hi and welcome to my website. I’m Amanda Shipton ( BA Hons, Cert TASK) and I am a fully qualified Kinesiology Practitioner with my clinic located at my home in the heart of the Cotswolds (found almost central in the photo above!). I launched KinSo Health in 2019, providing quality tailored health care to all ages.
Kinesiology provides a range of tools and techniques which I use to address mental health, emotional and physical symptoms experienced by my clients. Kinesiology is one of the most well-rounded treatments available today, also being used by physiotherapists, chiropractors and other professionals as a way of aiming to get to the root cause of health issues. I know I may be biased, but kinesiology is a game changer to managing our health in these modern times. Whilst used alongside our existing medical practices, it is invaluable to working with clients to address their imbalances, rebalance their systems so that they can work towards their optimal health and well-being. I simply don’t know where I or my family would be without it.
I am passionate in assisting my clients through kinesiology, to help them heal, realise their full potential and to assist them in overcoming their barriers to being able to move forward in their lives. My recommendations and sessions are tailored to the individual, so there is no ‘single plan which fits all’ approach.
Let me help you or your family understand your health holistically and get you to the place you want to be. If you’re looking for support for a young family member please see ‘Our Services’ for more information.
So what is kinesiology I hear you say? Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a unique treatment using muscle testing procedures to read the feedback systems from our bodies. It is combined of a range of wonderful techniques such as lymphatic massage, acupressure, energy and emotional work to reveal where health issues may stem from, where imbalances and energy drains may occur and what particular stresses are affecting your body and your life.
It’s this range of tools applied that makes kinesiology different to any other treatment and best of all it is suitable for all the family of any age.
One of the significant benefits of kinesiology unlike other treatments, is that we look at people as a whole, not just the parts that are not functioning as well as one would like. We are able to directly link emotional feelings and mental health to physical symptoms and look to help the body correct them.
Systematic kinesiology was pioneered by Chiropractors in the 60s and is now used by many Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, nutritionists and many others.
Kinesiology allows people to take control of their own health and help them to establish the root cause of symptoms or complaints. Clients often seek assistance for physical symptoms, injuries, food sensitivities, mental health concerns, or simply book in for some nurturing and balancing as part of their wellness and preventative self-care regime to maintain their health.
Systematic Kinesiology is beneficial for everyone and usually people feel the difference from the first session. When imbalances are found and fully addressed, the imbalance is able to clear and we may then prevent the problem from returning.
Kinesiology is suitable for any age. I find children are able to understand how to muscle test independently from around age 6 onwards. For babies, young children or the elderly surrogates can be used.
For more information on the range of symptoms KinSo Health can help with, please click on the button below.
The Benefits of Kinesiology
Mental Health Therapy
All parts of our persona are interrelated. When one part is affected it affects the whole. If we are out of kilter mentally then we are affected chemically, physically and energetically. Being balanced is therefore key.
Kinesiology is a powerful tool, able to link physical symptoms with matters that are challenging individuals mentally and emotionally. Techniques are used to ascertain where old feelings or anxieties can stem from. By focusing on aiding the client to release old thought processes not serving them well, I am able to allow the client to move forward. Kinesiology techniques can also be particularly effective in helping with long term physical injuries that clients may be holding onto to, common digestive complaints as well as sleep issues amongst children and adults where being affected by emotional issues.
Nutrition Advice
Nutrition can be recommended as part of a kinesiology session and involves directly testing nutritional supplements on the client. A kinesiologist will ascertain whether the body requires any essential vitamins or minerals to support the body to heal, or whether the body needs to take something out of the system temporarily which may be stressing it, for example any foods. As a Practitioner I am able to directly muscle test supplements and foods on an individual and identify those that are a priority . In this respect nutrition is tailored to the client and targeted to the imbalance.
Root Cause Investigation
Kinesiology takes a holistic approach meaning that information taken during the kinesiology session is used to ascertain the root cause of symptoms, rather than looking for a ‘sticky plaster’ to resolve the issue in the short term. Kinesiology therefore looks for a long term resolution. The benefit of regular kinesiology sessions ensures that clients take a ‘prevention better than cure’ approach where imbalances can get seen and addressed early on. When the body is in balance, healing can occur and as individuals we are in a much better position to deal with life’s twists and turns!
Energy, Acupressure & Massage
We have the most powerful computer in our world, our minds, connected to our organs and muscles by a sophisticated energy circuit. This energy needs to be free flowing so our bodies work at optimum efficiency. Any blockage in this circuit and any part of the body creates a resistance to this energy flow. Kinesiology balancing removes energy blocks and uses lymphatic massage and acupressure to assist the body to return to normal function. The techniques applied also offer the added benefit of clients leaving a kinesiology session feeling grounded and fully relaxed!
Invest In Your Relationship With Yourself…
“We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.”